Table of Contents

Command Line

Runner, being a console application, offers the ability to launch in different modes by specifying parameters on the command line. Launching the program without parameters will display a help message showing the available parameters:


Launching Runner for historical data testing:

b -s SmaStrategy.cs -h "C:\Storage" --hf 20200401 --ht 20200430 --sec SBER@TQBR -r json

Available parameters:

  • -s - path to the strategy file (with cs, json, or dll extension).
  • -t - (optional) if a dll file is selected, and the assembly contains more than one strategy class, it is necessary to specify the required type through this parameter.
  • -h - path to the directory with historical data. Can be a network address in case of using server mode server.
  • --hl - (optional) login, used in server mode server.
  • --hp - (optional) password, used in server mode server.
  • --hf - start date for testing in YYYYMMDD format.
  • --ht - end date for testing in YYYYMMDD format.
  • -f - (optional) storage format (Binary or Csv).
  • --sec - (optional) instrument identifier.
  • -r - (optional) format of the test result report (json, xml, csv).
  • --tm - (optional) strategy timeout.
  • --memory - (optional) maximum memory size (in megabytes).
  • --cpu - (optional) processor mask.
  • -l - (optional) logging level (Info, Debug, Error, Warning, Verbose).

Launching Runner for optimization:

o -s SmaStrategy.cs -h "C:\Storage" --hf 20200401 --ht 20200430 --sec SBER@TQBR -r json -p sma_optimization.json

All parameters from the historical testing mode, plus additional ones:

  • -p - path to the parameters file.
  • --ol - (optional) maximum number of iterations.
  • --ob - (optional) number of strategies tested simultaneously.

Parameters file format:

    "Name": "SMA_80",
    "Value": "200,201"
    "Name": "SMA_30",
    "From": "40",
    "To": "50",
    "Step": "1"
    "Name": "Security",
    "Value": "SBER@TQBR,GAZP@TQBR"

Launching Runner for live trading:

l -s SmaStrategy.cs -c connector.json --tg telegram.json
  • -c - connection settings file.
  • --tg - telegram integration settings file.