Table of Contents

Strategy Compatibility with StockSharp Platforms

When developing trading strategies in StockSharp, it's important to consider their compatibility with various platforms: Designer, Shell, Runner, and cloud backtesting. By following the recommendations below, you'll create a strategy that works correctly in all environments.

Strategy Constructor Parameters

Avoid Parameters in the Constructor

To ensure compatibility with StockSharp platforms, especially with cloud backtesting, you should not add parameters to the strategy constructor:

// Correct: constructor without parameters
public class SmaStrategy : Strategy
    public SmaStrategy()
        // Parameters initialization

// Incorrect: constructor with parameters
public class SmaStrategy : Strategy
    public SmaStrategy(int longLength, int shortLength) // Don't use this approach
        // ...

StockSharp platforms create strategy instances using a parameterless constructor. If your strategy requires a constructor with parameters, it won't be correctly initialized.

Using StrategyParam Instead of Regular Properties

Benefits of StrategyParam

Instead of creating regular C# properties and then overriding the Save and Load methods, use StrategyParam<T> for all customizable parameters:

// Correct: using StrategyParam
private readonly StrategyParam<int> _longSmaLength;

public int LongSmaLength
    get => _longSmaLength.Value;
    set => _longSmaLength.Value = value;

public SmaStrategy()
    _longSmaLength = Param(nameof(LongSmaLength), 80)
                      .SetDisplay("Long SMA length", string.Empty, "Base settings");

// Incorrect: using regular properties
private int _longSmaLength = 80; // Don't use this approach

public int LongSmaLength
    get => _longSmaLength;
    set => _longSmaLength = value;

Parameters created through StrategyParam<T> will automatically:

  • Be displayed in the platform user interfaces
  • Be saved and loaded without overriding the Save and Load methods
  • Be used in optimization
  • Be correctly serialized when sent to cloud backtesting

Working with the User Interface

Use Abstractions Instead of Direct UI Access

Instead of directly accessing user interface elements, use the abstractions provided by StockSharp:

// Correct approach: using IChart
protected override void OnStarted(DateTimeOffset time)
    // Get the chart provided by the runtime environment
    _chart = GetChart();
    if (_chart != null)
        // Chart is available (e.g., in Designer or Shell)
        // Chart is unavailable (e.g., in Runner or cloud backtesting)
        // Strategy continues to work without visualization

private void InitChart()
    // Configure chart through the abstract interface
    var area = _chart.AddArea();
    _chartCandleElement = area.AddCandles();
    // ...

The Strategy.GetChart() method returns an IChart interface if a chart is available in the current runtime environment. If the strategy is running in console Runner or cloud backtesting, where there's no graphical interface, the method will return null.

The IChart interface provides methods for working with charts:

Check Chart Availability

Always check chart availability before using it:

private void DrawCandlesAndIndicators(ICandleMessage candle, IIndicatorValue longSma, IIndicatorValue shortSma)
    if (_chart == null) return; // Important check
    var data = _chart.CreateData();
        .Add(_chartCandleElement, candle)
        .Add(_longSmaIndicatorElement, longSma)
        .Add(_shortSmaIndicatorElement, shortSma);

Threads and Synchronization

Avoid Creating Additional Threads

In StockSharp, you don't need to create additional threads for data processing. All events (market data, transactions) come in a single thread:

// Correct: using standard event handlers
private void ProcessCandle(ICandleMessage candle)
    // Process candle in the main thread
    var longSmaIsFormedPrev = _longSma.IsFormed;
    var ls = _longSma.Process(candle);
    var ss = _shortSma.Process(candle);
    // ...

// Incorrect: creating additional threads
private void ProcessCandle(ICandleMessage candle)
    // DON'T do this
    Task.Run(() => {
        var longSmaIsFormedPrev = _longSma.IsFormed;
        // ...

Avoid Synchronization Objects

Since all events are processed in a single thread, there's no need to use synchronization objects:

// Correct: regular processing without synchronization
private void ProcessCandle(ICandleMessage candle)
    var ls = _longSma.Process(candle);
    var ss = _shortSma.Process(candle);
    // ...

// Incorrect: unnecessary synchronization
private readonly object _syncLock = new object(); // Not needed

private void ProcessCandle(ICandleMessage candle)
    lock (_syncLock) // Not needed
        var ls = _longSma.Process(candle);
        // ...

External Resources

Use StockSharp Infrastructure

Instead of directly accessing external resources (files, databases, network), use the capabilities provided by StockSharp platforms:

// Correct: using built-in mechanisms for data saving
protected override void OnStopped()
    // Data is automatically saved through strategy parameters

// Incorrect: direct access to external resources
protected override void OnStopped()
    // DON'T do this
    File.WriteAllText("results.txt", $"PnL: {PnL}");
    // or this
    using (var connection = new SqlConnection("..."))
        // ...

Data Storage

To save strategy results, use:

Save and Load Methods

The Strategy.Save and Strategy.Load methods are specifically designed for saving additional strategy data that are not settings or parameters. This is the ideal place to save data needed to restore the strategy state:

public override void Save(SettingsStorage settings)
    base.Save(settings); // First save strategy parameters
    // Then save custom data
    settings.SetValue("CustomState", _customState);
    settings.SetValue("LastSignalTime", _lastSignalTime);

public override void Load(SettingsStorage settings)
    base.Load(settings); // First load strategy parameters
    // Then load custom data
    if (settings.Contains("CustomState"))
        _customState = settings.GetValue<string>("CustomState");
    if (settings.Contains("LastSignalTime"))
        _lastSignalTime = settings.GetValue<DateTimeOffset>("LastSignalTime");

However, the main configurable parameters should still be implemented through StrategyParam<T>, as described above, as this will ensure their automatic display in the user interface.

Market Data Subscription

Use Rules Instead of Direct Subscription

For market data processing, it's recommended to use the Event Model and rules:

protected override void OnStarted(DateTimeOffset time)

    _shortSma = new SimpleMovingAverage { Length = ShortSmaLength };
    _longSma = new SimpleMovingAverage { Length = LongSmaLength };

    var subscription = new Subscription(Series, Security);

    // Correct: using rules for data processing


Rules have several important advantages over regular event handlers:

  1. Automatic unsubscription - rules automatically unsubscribe from events when the strategy stops or when they're no longer needed. You don't need to manually manage subscriptions.

  2. High-level API - rules provide a more understandable and convenient interface than standard event handlers. For example, WhenCandlesFinished is much clearer than subscribing to the CandleReceived event with subsequent checking of the candle state.

  3. Condition combining - rules can be combined using operators like And, Or, and others, creating complex activation conditions:

// Example of combining rules
    .Do(() => {
        // Code that executes only when there's a new trade
        // AND the portfolio balance changes
  1. Lifecycle management - rules can be made one-time (Once()), have cancellation conditions set (Until()), add delayed actions, etc.

Compatible Strategy Example

Below is an example of a strategy that follows all recommendations and will work correctly on all StockSharp platforms:

public class SmaStrategy : Strategy
    private readonly StrategyParam<DataType> _series;
    private readonly StrategyParam<int> _longSmaLength;
    private readonly StrategyParam<int> _shortSmaLength;

    public DataType Series
        get => _series.Value;
        set => _series.Value = value;

    public int LongSmaLength
        get => _longSmaLength.Value;
        set => _longSmaLength.Value = value;

    public int ShortSmaLength
        get => _shortSmaLength.Value;
        set => _shortSmaLength.Value = value;

    private SimpleMovingAverage _longSma;
    private SimpleMovingAverage _shortSma;
    private IChart _chart;
    private IChartCandleElement _chartCandleElement;
    private IChartIndicatorElement _longSmaIndicatorElement;
    private IChartIndicatorElement _shortSmaIndicatorElement;

    public SmaStrategy()
        _longSmaLength = Param(nameof(LongSmaLength), 80)
                          .SetDisplay("Long SMA length", string.Empty, "Base settings")
        _shortSmaLength = Param(nameof(ShortSmaLength), 30)
                          .SetDisplay("Short SMA length", string.Empty, "Base settings")
        _series = Param(nameof(Series), DataType.TimeFrame(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(15)))
                 .SetDisplay("Series", string.Empty, "Base settings");

    protected override void OnStarted(DateTimeOffset time)

        _longSma = new SimpleMovingAverage { Length = LongSmaLength };
        _shortSma = new SimpleMovingAverage { Length = ShortSmaLength };

        // Initialize chart if available
        _chart = GetChart();
        if (_chart != null)
        var subscription = new Subscription(Series, Security);



    private void InitChart()
        var area = _chart.AddArea();
        _chartCandleElement = area.AddCandles();
        _longSmaIndicatorElement = area.AddIndicator(_longSma);
        _longSmaIndicatorElement.Color = System.Drawing.Color.Brown;
        _longSmaIndicatorElement.DrawStyle = DrawStyles.Line;
        _shortSmaIndicatorElement = area.AddIndicator(_shortSma);
        _shortSmaIndicatorElement.Color = System.Drawing.Color.Blue;
        _shortSmaIndicatorElement.DrawStyle = DrawStyles.Line;

    private void ProcessCandle(ICandleMessage candle)
        var ls = _longSma.Process(candle);
        var ss = _shortSma.Process(candle);
        // Draw on chart if available
        if (_chart != null)
            var data = _chart.CreateData();
                .Add(_chartCandleElement, candle)
                .Add(_longSmaIndicatorElement, ls)
                .Add(_shortSmaIndicatorElement, ss);
        if (!_longSma.IsFormed)
        var isShortLessCurrent = _shortSma.GetCurrentValue() < _longSma.GetCurrentValue();
        var isShortLessPrev = _shortSma.GetValue(1) < _longSma.GetValue(1);

        if (isShortLessCurrent == isShortLessPrev)
        // Trading logic
        var volume = Volume + Math.Abs(Position);

        if (isShortLessCurrent)

See also