Table of Contents

Message List

A message carries information about market data, transactions, or a command. Below is a list of the main messages used in connectors.

Message Description
Message An abstract message class from which other message classes inherit. Contains information about the time, type MessageTypes, and the adapter that created the message.
BoardMessage Contains information about the electronic trading board.
CandleMessage An abstract message class that contains general information about a candle. This class is inherited by message classes for specific candle types: TimeFrameCandleMessage, TickCandleMessage, VolumeCandleMessage, RangeCandleMessage, PnFCandleMessage, and RenkoCandleMessage.
ConnectMessage Used as a command to establish a connection, as well as for an incoming message about a successful connection or a connection error.
DisconnectMessage Used as a command to break a connection, as well as for an incoming message about a connection break.
ErrorMessage An error message.
ExecutionMessage Description see below.
Level1ChangeMessage The message contains information about the value of a Level1 field of a certain type. The available field types are defined in the Level1Fields enumeration.
NewsMessage The message contains information about news.
OrderCancelMessage The message contains information for canceling an order. There is also a message OrderGroupCancelMessage, which contains information for canceling a group of orders by a filter.
OrderRegisterMessage The message contains information for registering an order.
OrderStatusMessage The message requests information about currently registered orders and trades.
OrderReplaceMessage The message contains information for replacing an order.
PortfolioMessage Contains information about a portfolio.
PortfolioLookupMessage Requests information about portfolios by a specified criterion. The result of the request is returned using a PortfolioMessage.
PositionChangeMessage Contains information about a position. Contains information about a change in a certain position property. The property type is defined in the PositionChangeTypes enumeration.
QuoteChangeMessage Contains information about order book quotes.
ResetMessage Resetting the state.
SecurityMessage Contains information about an instrument.
SecurityLookupMessage Requests a list of instruments by a specified criterion. The result of the request will be returned using a SecurityMessage.
BoardStateMessage Contains information about a change in the trading session state. The available values of the session state are defined in the SessionStates enumeration.
TimeMessage Contains information about the current time.
TimeFrameLookupMessage Requests a list of supported timeframes. The result of the request will be returned using a TimeFrameInfoMessage.
TimeFrameInfoMessage Contains information about supported timeframes.
SubscriptionResponseMessage A response to a subscription or unsubscription request. In case of an error executing the request, the error description is filled in SubscriptionResponseMessage.Error.
SubscriptionOnlineMessage A message about the transition of a subscription to an online state.
SubscriptionFinishedMessage A message about the end of a subscription in case of receiving all necessary data.

The ExecutionMessage is a universal message that allows transmitting various exchange information related to orders and trades: tick trades, order logs, own orders, and trades.

The type of information in the message is determined by the value of the ExecutionMessage.ExecutionType property:

If the ExecutionTypes.Transaction type is used, then it refers to own orders or trades. In this case, if the message contains information about an order, the ExecutionMessage.HasOrderInfo property = true, if there is information about a trade, the ExecutionMessage.HasTradeInfo property = true. Note that an own trade contains information about both the trade itself and the order associated with that trade. Therefore, in this case, the above properties have a value of true. These properties allow differentiating messages with own trades and orders.