Table of Contents


S# supports the following types:

  • TimeFrameCandle - candle based on timeframe. You can set both popular intervals (minute, hour, day), and customized. For example, 21 seconds, 4.5 minutes, etc.
  • RangeCandle - price range candle. A new candle is created when a trade appears with a price that is out of range. An allowable range is formed each time based on the price of the first trade.
  • VolumeCandle - a candle is created until the total volume of trades is exceeded. If the new trade exceeds the permissible volume, then it falls into the new candle already.
  • TickCandle - is the same as VolumeCandle, only the number of trades is taken as a restriction instead of volume.
  • PnFCandle - a candle of the point-and-figure chart (tic-tac-toe chart).
  • RenkoCandle - Renko candle.

How to work with candles is shown in the SampleConnection example, which is located in the Samples/Common/SampleConnection.

The following figures show TimeFrameCandle and RangeCandle charts:

sample timeframecandles

sample rangecandles

Start getting data

    1. Create a series of CandleSeries candles:
    _candleSeries = new CandleSeries(CandleSettingsEditor.Settings.CandleType, security, CandleSettingsEditor.Settings.Arg);
  1. All the necessary methods for getting candles are implemented in the Connector class.

    To get candles, you need to subscribe to the Connector.CandleSeriesProcessing, event, which signals the appearance of a new value for processing:

    _connector.CandleSeriesProcessing += Connector_CandleSeriesProcessing;
    private void Connector_CandleSeriesProcessing(CandleSeries candleSeries, Candle candle)
     Chart.Draw(_candleElement, candle);

    To display the candles, the Chart graphic component is used.

  2. Next, pass the created candle series to the connector and start getting data through Connector.Subscribe(StockSharp.BusinessEntities.Subscription subscription ):


    After this stage, the Connector.CandleSeriesProcessing event will be raised.

  3. The Connector.CandleSeriesProcessing event is raised not only when a new candle appears, but also when the current one changes.

    If you want to display only "whole" candles, then you need to check the Candle.State property of the arrived candle:

    private void Connector_CandleSeriesProcessing(CandleSeries candleSeries, Candle candle)
        if (candle.State == CandleStates.Finished) 
           var chartData = new ChartDrawData();
           chartData.Group(candle.OpenTime).Add(_candleElement, candle);
  4. You can set some properties for CandleSeries:

  5. Let's consider a few examples of building different candle types:

    • Since most sources provide candles with standard timeframes, it’s enough to set the type and timeframe to get such candles:

      _candleSeries = new CandleSeries(typeof(TimeFrameCandle), security, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5));
    • If you just want to load the finished candles, then you need to set the CandleSeries.BuildCandlesMode property in MarketDataBuildModes.Load:

      _candleSeries = new CandleSeries(typeof(TimeFrameCandle), security, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5))
         BuildCandlesMode = MarketDataBuildModes.Load,
    • If the source does not provide the necessary timeframe candles, then they can be built from other market data. Below is an example of building candles with a timeframe of 21 seconds from trades:

      _candleSeries = new CandleSeries(typeof(TimeFrameCandle), security, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(21))
         BuildCandlesMode = MarketDataBuildModes.Build,
         BuildCandlesFrom = MarketDataTypes.Trades,
    • If the data source provides neither candles nor trades, candles can be built from the market depth spread:

      _candleSeries = new CandleSeries(typeof(TimeFrameCandle), security, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(21))
         BuildCandlesMode = MarketDataBuildModes.Build,
         BuildCandlesFrom = MarketDataTypes.MarketDepth,
         BuildCandlesField = Level1Fields.SpreadMiddle,
    • Since there are no sources providing a ready volume profile, it also needs to be built from another data type. To draw a volume profile, you need to set the CandleSeries.IsCalcVolumeProfile property to 'true', as well as CandleSeries.BuildCandlesMode to MarketDataBuildModes.Build. And specify the data type from which the volume profile will be built. In this case, it's MarketDataTypes.Trades:

      _candleSeries = new CandleSeries(typeof(TimeFrameCandle), security, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5))
         BuildCandlesMode = MarketDataBuildModes.Build,
         BuildCandlesFrom = MarketDataTypes.Trades,
          IsCalcVolumeProfile = true,
    • o Since most data sources do not provide finished candles, except for TimeFrameCandle, , other candle types are built similarly to the volume profile. You need to set the CandleSeries.BuildCandlesMode property to MarketDataBuildModes.Build or MarketDataBuildModes.LoadAndBuild. Also set the CandleSeries.BuildCandlesFrom property and the CandleSeries.BuildCandlesField property, if necessary.

      The following code shows building a VolumeCandle with a volume of 1000 contracts. The middle of the market depth spread is used as the data source for building.

      _candleSeries = new CandleSeries(typeof(VolumeCandle), security, 1000m)
         BuildCandlesMode = MarketDataBuildModes.LoadAndBuild,
         BuildCandlesFrom = MarketDataTypes.MarketDepth,
         BuildCandlesField = Level1Fields.SpreadMiddle,
    • The following code shows building a TickCandle of 1000 trades. Trades are used as a data source for building.

      _candleSeries = new CandleSeries(typeof(TickCandle), security, 1000)
         BuildCandlesMode = MarketDataBuildModes.Build,
         BuildCandlesFrom = MarketDataTypes.Trades,
    • The following code shows building a RangeCandle with a range of 0.1 c.u. The best buy of a market depth is used as a data source for building:

      _candleSeries = new CandleSeries(typeof(RangeCandle), security, new Unit(0.1m))
         BuildCandlesMode = MarketDataBuildModes.LoadAndBuild,
          BuildCandlesFrom = MarketDataTypes.MarketDepth,
          BuildCandlesField = Level1Fields.BestBid,
    • The following code shows the building RenkoCandle. The price of the last trade from Level1 is used as a data source for building:

      _candleSeries = new CandleSeries(typeof(RenkoCandle), security, new Unit(0.1m))
         BuildCandlesMode = MarketDataBuildModes.LoadAndBuild,
          BuildCandlesFrom = MarketDataTypes.Level1,
          BuildCandlesField = Level1Fields.LastTradePrice,
    • The following code shows the building PnFCandle. Trades are used as a data source for building.

      _candleSeries = new CandleSeries(typeof(PnFCandle), security, new PnFArg() { BoxSize = 0.1m, ReversalAmount =1})
         BuildCandlesMode = MarketDataBuildModes.Build,
         BuildCandlesFrom = MarketDataTypes.Trades,



Custom type of candle