Namespace StockSharp.Xaml.PropertyGrid
- CandlePatternEditor
Editor for ICandlePattern.
- CandleSettingsEditor
Editor for CandleSeries.
- CommissionRulesEditor
Editor for ICommissionRule collection.
- DataTypeEditor
DataType editor.
- DriveComboBoxEditor
Editor for IMarketDataDrive.
- ExchangeBoardEditor
Editor for ExchangeBoard.
- ExchangeEditor
Editor for Exchange.
- ExtendedInfoStorageEditor
Editor for extended storage.
- ExtensionInfoEditor
The button activating the window ExtensionInfoWindow.
- IndicatorTypeEditor
Editor to select IndicatorType.
- OAuthEditor
Ecng.Net.IOAuthProvider editor.
- OrderLogBuilderComboBox
Combo box to select IOrderLogMarketDepthBuilder.
- OrderLogBuilderComboEditor
Combo box to select IOrderLogMarketDepthBuilder.
- PortfolioEditor
The control activating PortfolioPickerWindow.
- PropertyGridEx
The extended table of settings.
- RiskRulesEditor
Editor for IRiskRule.
- SecuritiesEditor
Editor to select multiples securities.
- SecurityEditor
The control activating SecurityPickerWindow.
- SpecialDaysControl
Editor for SpecialDays.
- SpecialDaysOfWeekControl
Editor for SpecialDays.
- StorageFormatEdit
StorageFormats editor.
- WorkingTimeEditor
Editor for WorkingTime.
- ISecuritiesSelectWindow
The interface for a window to select multiples securities.