Namespace StockSharp.Server.Core
- BaseServerSettings
- BaseServer<TRequestId>
Base implementation of IMessageListener.
- InMemoryTransactionIdStorage
In memory implementation of ITransactionIdStorage.
- Level1SnapshotHolder
Level1ChangeMessage snapshots holder.
- OrderBookSnapshotHolder
QuoteChangeMessage snapshots holder.
- PermissionCredentials
Credentials with set of permissions.
- PermissionCredentialsAuthorization
The module of the connection access check based on the PermissionCredentialsStorage authorization.
- PermissionCredentialsStorage
Storage for PermissionCredentials.
- PlainTransactionIdStorage
Plain implementation of ITransactionIdStorage.
- ServerExtensions
- ServerSubscription
Server subscription.
- SubscriptionHolder<TSubcription, TSession, TRequestId>
Subscription holder.
- SubscriptionInfo<TSession, TRequestId>
- IAuthorizationEx<TSession>
Extended version IAuthorization.
- IMessageListener
The interface describing a message listening component.
- IMessageListenerClientSession
Server session.
- IMessageListenerSession
The interface describing a session, create by IMessageListener.
- ISessionTransactionIdStorage
The interface describing the session based transaction and request identifiers storage.
- ISnapshotHolder<TMessage>
Interface, described snapshots holder.
- ITransactionIdStorage
The interface describing the transaction and request identifiers storage.