Table of Contents

Enum FixTags


FIX protocol tags.

public enum FixTags
Extension Methods


Account = 1
AccountType = 581
AcctIDSource = 660
AggressorIndicator = 1057
AgreementID = 914
AllowBuildFromSmallerTimeFrame = 20026
ApplBegSeqNum = 1182
ApplEndSeqNum = 1183
ApplId = 1180
ApplLastSeqNum = 1350
ApplQueueDepth = 813
ApplQueueResolution = 814
ApplReportID = 1356
ApplReportType = 1426
ApplReqID = 1346
ApplReqType = 1347
ApplResendFlag = 1352
ApplRespError = 1354
ApplRespID = 1353
ApplRespType = 1348
ApplSeqNum = 1181
ApplVerId = 1128
AvgPx = 6
BeginSeqNo = 7
BeginString = 8
BidPx = 132
BidSize = 134
BodyLength = 9
BuildFromArg = 20085
BuildFromType = 20084
BusinessRejectReason = 380
CFICode = 461
CalcVolumeProfile = 20027
CandleState = 20002
CashMargin = 544
CheckSum = 10
City = 20056
ClOrdID = 11
ClearingBusinessDate = 715
ClientID = 109
Colocation = 20049
CommCurrency = 479
CommType = 13
Command = 20022
Commission = 12
ComponentTimestamp = 20121
Content = 20044
ContentType = 20043
ContraBroker = 375
ContractMultiplier = 231
ContractSettlMonth = 667
CstmApplVerID = 1129
CumQty = 14
Currency = 15
Currency2 = 20091
CustOrderCapacity = 582
CxlRejReason = 102
CxlRejResponseTo = 434
DefaultApplVerID = 1137
DemoOnly = 20123
Description = 20115
Description2 = 20116
DiscountAnnualPrice = 20101
DiscountAnnualPriceCurrency = 20102
DiscountLifetimePrice = 20103
DiscountLifetimePriceCurrency = 20104
DiscountMonthlyPrice = 20099
DiscountMonthlyPriceCurrency = 20100
DisplayName = 20052
DisplayQty = 1138
DocUrl = 20066
DownTicks = 20072
DownloadCount = 20064
EffectiveTime = 168
EncodedLegIssuer = 619
EncodedLegIssuerLen = 618
EncodedLegSecurityDesc = 622
EncodedLegSecurityDescLen = 621
EncryptMethod = 98
EndDate = 917
EndSeqNo = 16
ExDestination = 100
ExecBroker = 76
ExecID = 17
ExecInst = 18
ExecRefId = 19
ExecRestatementReason = 378
ExecType = 150
ExpireDate = 432
ExpireTime = 126
ExtendedOrderStatus = 17000
ExtendedTradeStatus = 17001
FaceValue = 20039
Factor = 228
FinishedCandles = 20028
Format = 20062
Formula = 20004
GapFillFlag = 123
Gender = 20057
GrossTradeAmt = 381
GroupId = 20018
HandlInst = 21
HardwareId = 20069
Hash = 20063
Headline = 148
HeartBtInt = 108
HighPx = 332
Homepage = 20054
IDSource = 22
Id = 20017
IncludeDates = 20124
InstrAttribType = 871
InstrAttribValue = 872
IpRestrictions = 20035
IssueDate = 225
IssueSize = 20003
Language = 20041
LastCapacity = 29
LastFragment = 893
LastLiquidityInd = 851
LastMsgSeqNumProcessed = 369
LastPx = 31
LastQty = 32
LeavesQty = 151
LegCFICode = 608
LegContractMultiplier = 614
LegCouponRate = 615
LegCurrency = 556
LegEndDate = 20010
LegInstrAttribType = 20008
LegInstrAttribValue = 20009
LegIssueDate = 249
LegIssueSize = 20011
LegIssuer = 617
LegMaturityDate = 611
LegMaturityMonthYear = 610
LegMinTradeVol = 20006
LegNoInstrAttrib = 20007
LegOptAttribute = 613
LegProduct = 607
LegRatioQty = 623
LegRoundLot = 20005
LegSecurityAltID = 605
LegSecurityAltIDSource = 606
LegSecurityDesc = 620
LegSecurityExchange = 616
LegSecurityID = 602
LegSecurityIDSource = 603
LegSecurityType = 609
LegSide = 624
LegStrikePrice = 612
LegSymbol = 600
LegSymbolSfx = 601
LevelPrice = 20074
LevelPriceBuyCount = 20079
LevelPriceBuyVolume = 20081
LevelPriceSellCount = 20080
LevelPriceSellVolume = 20082
LevelPriceTotalVolume = 20083
LevelType = 20075
Leverage = 20088
LicenseFeatureId = 20120
LifetimePrice = 20094
LifetimePriceCurrency = 20095
LongQty = 704
LowPx = 333
MDEntryArg = 10000
MDEntryBuyer = 288
MDEntryDate = 272
MDEntryForwardPoints = 1027
MDEntryId = 278
MDEntryOriginator = 282
MDEntryPositionExtra = 20078
MDEntryPositionNo = 290
MDEntryPx = 270
MDEntrySeller = 289
MDEntrySize = 271
MDEntryTime = 273
MDEntryType = 269
MDField = 20119
MDOtherValue = 15000
MDReqID = 262
MDReqRejReason = 281
MDResponseID = 20040
MDStreamID = 1500
MDUpdateAction = 279
MDUpdateType = 265
ManualOrderIndicator = 1028
MarketDataBuildField = 20031
MarketDataBuildFrom = 20030
MarketDataBuildMode = 20029
MarketDataCount = 20033
MarketDataSkip = 20089
MarketDepth = 264
MassCancelRejectReason = 532
MassCancelRequestType = 530
MassCancelResponse = 531
MassStatusReqID = 584
MassStatusReqType = 585
MatchIncrement = 1089
MaturityDay = 205
MaturityMonthYear = 200
MaxFloor = 111
MaxTradeVol = 1140
MinPriceIncrement = 969
MinQty = 110
MinTradeVol = 562
MonthlyPrice = 20092
MonthlyPriceCurrency = 20093
MsgSeqNum = 34
MsgType = 35
Name = 20015
NestedPartyID = 524
NestedPartyIDSource = 525
NestedPartyRole = 538
NewPassword = 925
NewSeqNo = 36
NextExpectedMsgSeqNum = 789
NoApplIDs = 1351
NoInstrAttrib = 870
NoIpRestrictions = 20034
NoLegSecurityAltID = 604
NoLegs = 555
NoMDEntries = 268
NoMDEntryTypes = 267
NoMDFields = 20118
NoNestedPartyIDs = 539
NoPartyIDs = 453
NoPermissions = 20036
NoPermissionsValues = 20038
NoPosAmt = 753
NoPositions = 702
NoQuoteEntries = 295
NoQuoteSets = 296
NoRelatedSym = 146
NoSecurityAltID = 454
NoSecurityTypes = 558
NoSides = 552
NoStrategyParameters = 957
NoStubCount = 20096
NoTradingSessions = 386
NoTrdRegTimestamps = 768
NoUnderlyings = 711
NumberOfOrders = 346
OfferPx = 133
OfferSize = 135
OldPrice = 20086
OldVolume = 20087
OnlyId = 20070
OpenCloseSettleFlag = 286
OptionStyle = 20117
OrdStatus = 39
OrdStatusReqID = 790
OrdType = 40
OrderCapacity = 528
OrderCategory = 1115
OrderID = 37
OrderQty = 38
OrderRestrictions = 529
OrigClOrdID = 41
OrigSendingTime = 122

Original time of message transmission (always expressed in UTC) when transmitting orders as the result of a resend request.

OrigTime = 42
Owner = 20045
PartyID = 448
PartyIDSource = 447
PartyRole = 452
Password = 554
PegOffsetType = 836
PegOffsetValue = 211
Permissions = 20037
Phone = 20053
Picture = 20046
Platform = 20068
PosAmt = 708
PosAmtType = 707
PosMaintRptID = 721
PosQtyStatus = 706
PosReqID = 710
PosReqResult = 728
PosReqStatus = 729
PosReqType = 724
PosType = 703
PositionEffect = 77
PossDupFlag = 43

Indicates possible retransmission of message with this sequence number.

PossResend = 97

Indicates that message may contain information that has been sent under another sequence number.

PostOnly = 20076
PrevClosePx = 140
Price = 44
Price2 = 640
PriceType = 423
PrimaryBoard = 20061
PrimaryCode = 20060
Private = 20048
Product = 460
ProductCategories = 20110
PromoEnd = 20051
PromoPrice = 20050
PublishTrdIndicator = 852
PutOrCall = 201
QuoteCancelType = 298
QuoteCondition = 276
QuoteEntryID = 299
QuoteID = 117
QuoteReqID = 131
QuoteRequestRejectReason = 658
QuoteSetID = 302
QuoteStatusReqID = 649
QuoteType = 537
Rating = 20065
RatioQty = 319
RawData = 96
RawDataLength = 95
RealVersion = 20097
RedemptionDate = 240
RefApplID = 1355
RefApplLastSeqNum = 1357
RefMsgType = 372
RefSeqNum = 45
RefTagID = 371
RegularTradingHours = 20032
RenewAnnualPrice = 20111
RenewAnnualPriceCurrency = 20112
RenewMonthlyPrice = 20105
RenewMonthlyPriceCurrency = 20106
Repository = 20090
ResetSeqNumFlag = 141
Revision = 20047
RoundLot = 561
RptSeq = 83
Scope = 546
SecondaryClOrdID = 526
SecondaryOrderID = 198
SecurityAltID = 455
SecurityAltIDSource = 456
SecurityDesc = 107
SecurityExchange = 207
SecurityGroup = 1151
SecurityID = 48
SecurityListRequestType = 559
SecurityReqID = 320
SecurityRequestResult = 560
SecurityRequestType = 321
SecurityResponseID = 322
SecurityResponseType = 323
SecurityStatus = 965
SecurityStatusReqID = 324
SecuritySubType = 762
SecurityTradingStatus = 326
SecurityType = 167
SenderCompID = 49
SenderSubID = 50
SendingTime = 52
SessionPeriods = 20012
SessionRejectReason = 373
SessionSpecialDays = 20013
SettlCurrency = 120
SettlDate = 64
SettlType = 63
ShortQty = 705
Shortable = 20024
Side = 54
Skype = 20055
Slippage = 20077
StartDate = 916
StopPx = 99
StrategyParameterName = 958
StrategyParameterType = 959
StrategyParameterValue = 960
StrategyTypeId = 20016
StrikePrice = 202
StubVersion = 20098
Subscription = 20058
SubscriptionRequestType = 263
SupportLicensing = 20122
SupportedPlugins = 20067
Symbol = 55
SymbolSfx = 65
TakeProfit = 20125
TargetCompID = 56
TestReqID = 112
Text = 58
Text2 = 20109
TickDirection = 274
TimeFrames = 20014
TimeInForce = 59
Token = 20059
Topic = 20042
TotNoQuoteEntries = 304
TotNoRelatedSym = 393
TotNumReports = 911
TotalTicks = 20073
TotalVolumeTraded = 387
TradSesReqID = 335
TradSesStatus = 340
TradSesStatusRejReason = 567
TradeDate = 75
TradeVolume = 1020
TradingSessionID = 336
TradingSessionSubID = 625
TransactTime = 60
TrdRegTimestamp = 769
TrdRegTimestampType = 770
TrdType = 828
TrialAllow = 20107
TrialRequested = 20108
UnderlyingCurrency = 318
UnderlyingIDSource = 305
UnderlyingMaturityMonthYear = 313
UnderlyingPutOrCall = 315
UnderlyingSecurityDesc = 307
UnderlyingSecurityExchange = 308
UnderlyingSecurityID = 309
UnderlyingSecurityType = 310
UnderlyingStrikePrice = 316
UnderlyingSymbol = 311
UnderlyingSymbolSfx = 312
UnsolicitedIndicator = 325
UpTicks = 20071
Urgency = 61
UserRequestID = 923
UserRequestType = 924
UserStatus = 926
UserStatusText = 927
Username = 553
XmlData = 213
XmlDataLen = 212
Yield = 236