Namespace StockSharp.Algo.Testing
- BaseEmulationConnector
The base connection of emulation.
- CommissionRuleMessage
The message, containing information on the commission calculation rule.
- EmulationMessageAdapter
Emulation message adapter.
- EmulationOrderCondition
IMarketEmulator order condition.
- GeneratorMessage
The message about creation or deletion of the market data generator.
- HistoryEmulationConnector
The emulation connection. It uses historical data and/or occasionally generated.
- HistoryMessageAdapter
The adapter, receiving messages form the storage IStorageRegistry.
- HistorySourceMessage
Market-data message with historical source.
- MarketDataGenerator
The market data generator.
- MarketDepthGenerator
The order book generator using random method.
- MarketEmulator
- MarketEmulatorSettings
Settings of exchange emulator.
- OrderLogGenerator
The orders log generator using random method.
- RandomWalkTradeGenerator
The trade generator based on normal distribution.
- RealTimeEmulationTrader<TUnderlyingMarketDataAdapter>
The simulation connection, intended for strategy testing with real connection to trading system through UnderlyngMarketDataAdapter, but without real registering orders on stock. Execution of orders and their trades are emulated by connection, using information by order books, coming from real connection.
- TradeGenerator
Tick trades generator using random method.
- TrendMarketDepthGenerator
The order book generator, accounting for trades sequence.
- IEmulationMessageAdapter
The interface of the real time market data adapter.
- IMarketEmulator
The interface, describing paper trading.
- EmulationCandlePrices
Candle price for execution.