Namespace StockSharp.Algo.Strategies
- BasketStrategy
The batch strategy, containing subsidiary strategies, affecting each other by their execution.
- OrderBookSource
Default implementation of IOrderBookSource.
- Strategy
The base class for all trade strategies.
- StrategyHelper
Extension class for Strategy.
- StrategyNameGenerator
The class for the strategy name formation.
- StrategyParamHelper
The auxiliary class for StrategyParam<T>.
- StrategyParam<T>
Wrapper for typified access to the strategy parameter.
- StrategyParameterDictionary
IStrategyParam dictionary.
- StrategyPositionManager
The position calculation manager.
- TimeFrameStrategy
The timeframe based trade strategy.
- IOrderBookSource
IOrderBookMessage source.
- IStrategyChildStrategyList
The collection of subsidiary strategies.
- IStrategyParam
The strategy parameter.
- ISubscriptionHandler<T>
Subscription handler.
- BasketStrategyFinishModes
Conditions of subsidiary strategies operation end.
- ProcessResults
Results of the trading strategy one iteration operation.
- StrategyCommentModes
Comment auto-fill modes.
- StrategyTradingModes
Strategy trading modes.